Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last week

We had a very fun time reading different versions of The Gingerbread Man.  On Friday, we made a gingerbread cookie to share (picture below).  We still have a few more gingerbread stories to carry over into this coming week. 

Other pictures are from a math game and teddy bear day.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

This week

This week we will be doing a thematic unit on Gingerbread stories.  I have many different versions of the Gingerbread Man.  As I read the books this coming week, we will compare and contrast the different version of the story.  I love this unit! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

This week, we are focusing on the story Corduroy.  Please remember to send a bear with your child on Thursday.  We will be doing various activities using our stuffed bears.

I have noticed great improvement in some of the students' writing this week.  It looks like a lot of you are really helping your child at home.  That is wonderful!!  Thanks for your help and support.

Library is cancelled this week. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

This week

I would like to thank all of you for coming to conferences!  I was nice talking with each of you about your child and his/her progress.  

The book fair was a great success!  Thanks to all who donated money for our classroom library.  I bought 3 great books, one even came with a CD for listening.  I also had a book donated from Sam.  Thanks to all!

The family homework turned out great!  If you haven't turned it in yet, please feel free to bring it in Monday or even Tuesday.  We really would like to hear about all of the families.

With the weather changing, please make sure your child has the proper gear for outdoor recess.  I also wear a hat and gloves outside.  When there is snow on the ground, the children must have boots to play on the playground.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The week at a glance

This week we finished up colors and also learned about shapes.  One hands-on activity we did was make shapes with Pixie Sticks.  It seemed more challenging for some than I was expecting, so it was a good chance for me to observe the students in action.  The kindergarten benchmark includes circle. oval, square, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus (diamond), and hexagon.

The students really enjoyed the color songs these past two weeks.  You can locate the color songs on You Tube if you want to review them at home.  We mainly did the songs to learn how to spell the color words. 

I sent home the October homework with the Book-It certificates today.  Congratulations to those students who turned them in!

Please remember to send in the family circle map homework by Thursday next week.  The due date that came home stated Friday, but the students do not have school.  I will gladly accept the homework on Friday though.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Color Week

Today was red day.  Wednesday is orange day.  Try to dress your child in orange.  Thursday is yellow and Friday is green day.

Most of the students know their colors, so we are focusing on how to spell them this week.

Our words this week are like and you.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This week our theme is Halloween.  We will do some activities and read books related to our theme.  We will also work on our sight words my and no.

Last week we made a couple of class books.  I will place them in the hallway during parent/teacher conference time for you to see our work.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Remember to send back library books tomorrow! 

I emailed the Halloween sign up sheet to all that I have email addresses for.  If you didn't get it, let me know.  It is possible I don't have your email address.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Our last sharing is tomorrow.  It is for the letter Z.  Please keep all toys at home after Friday.  Thanks for all the great sharing!

Popcorn will be for sale again tomorrow.  Limit of 2 bags.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We are almost done with our alphabet sharing!  Tomorrow is letter W.  We made a change to the sharing calendar, Thursday will be both X and Y.  We will end Friday with Z.

The Westland Fire Department will be coming tomorrow afternoon to talk about fire safety with the students.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More stuff

Thank you to the popcorn helpers on Friday!  I appreciate your help!

Tomorrow's sharing is for the letter U.  This week's theme is fire safety.  We will have a presentation on Wednesday from the Westland Fire Dept.  Extra credit homework this week is to devise a fire escape plan and meeting place with your family.  If your child tells me that you did this, or you send a note stating that you did this, I will give your child a special prize as the reward!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


If anyone else can help pop popcorn tomorrow morning, please come at 9:00!  The more people helping will make it go much faster.  The proceeds go to help purchase things for our classroom.

More pictures sent in by Mr. Iannotti:

Thanks for sharing your pictures!
