Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well, library was cancelled today.  The students were bummed out, but we should be able to go and get new books next week.

Don't forget to wear gym shoes tomorrow!

First popcorn day is tomorrow.  25 cents per bag with a 2 bag limit. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today the students had a guest teacher in the afternoon.  I am on a committee at school and we had a meeting for the afternoon.  Mrs. Peterson was the guest teacher.  She did a great job with the students.

Tomorrow is library day.  Please help your child remember his/her library book.  Sharing for tomorrow is connected with the letter N.  It is also picture day on Thursday.  Remember to wear a smile!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Happy Monday!  Just a reminder that tomorrow's sharing is with the letter L.  

Picture day is Thursday.  If you didn't receive an order form, let me know.  I found one on the floor the day I passed them out, so someone probably dropped it. 

Library books are due Thursday.  If your child does not return his or her book, he or she will not be allowed to get a new one.

Friday, September 23, 2011


What a great day!  The students had Gym and Reading Buddies.  They also made fall trees.  The project will be sent home next week.  They still had wet glue at the end of the day.

Hat day had a good turn out!  I had a chance to take some pictures.  Some of the parents have not yet given permission for me to post their child's picture yet.  Sorry if I haven't posted a picture of your child yet.  I took some photos today that happened to have students who have not been permitted to be posted.  I will try and get everyone who has been permitted in a photo soon! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Tomorrow is hat day!  The PTA is having a fundraiser.  They are asking for each child to pay $1 to wear a hat.  Some of you have already sent $1 in.  Thanks!  Hope to see a lot of hats tomorrow! 

Also, tomorrow is the deadline for September and October Scholastic book orders.  If you are still interested, go to
Class Activation Code: GKV8P

I will place the order on Saturday morning.

Sharing for tomorrow is connected with the letter J.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, Sept. 21st

Today's letter was H.  We had a good turn out for sharing.  Tomorrow is letter I.  If you cannot find something for letter I, feel free to get creative.  I've had drawings come in as sharing items as well as photographs.
We worked on ABAB patterns for math.  I was able to take some pictures during pattern time.  See some of our patterns:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This week we are doing an All About Me unit.  Today we did an eye color graph.  Brown eyes came in on top.  I have a picture of the graph and will try and figure out how to display it on this blog.  It may take a few days for me to figure it out.  Keep watching!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, Sept. 19th

We had a lot of great show and tell items for letter F.  Letter G sharing is tomorrow. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Last week

Our theme last week centered around Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, a delightful alphabet story that the students enjoyed.  We made coconut trees to hang in the hallway and experienced a real coconut.  We used our senses to make a bubble map about the coconut.


Welcome to my kindergarten blog.  I hope to keep you updated and informed about things you need to know.